What is BeingManagement?

BeingManagement is Japan's #1 Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) software. Every feature of BeingManagement is expertly designed for achieving high due-date performance and improving reliability without cost overruns and resource overloads.
In the more than 15 years since its introduction, BeingManagement has been adopted by over 800 clients in many industries around the world, and has become the #1 CCPM software for major Japanese companies, including Mazda Motor Corporation, Sharp Corporation, OMRON group companies. and Toshiba group companies.
Why BeingManagement
We would like to introduce you main features of the software responding to 7 major questions you should ask from the software everyday.
1. How long will my project take?
The BeingManagement Planner includes fully functional CCPM planning and scheduling methods, e.g., cutting low-risk estimations, leveling, specifying the critical chain, inserting buffers and eliminating slack. All these functions work automatically.
In default mode, the software will display a 25% shorter project duration which is much more likely to be reached than with traditional methods.

2. When should we start the project?

BeingManagement’s Flow Planner facilitates determining a start date for projects in accordance with the capacity of the constraint.
Since the Flow Planner supports completely the CCPM staggering method, you can find an appropriate start date for a new project without overloading the constraint, in just one click.
3. Can we meet the deadline of the project?

A “fever” chart shows the status of a project by representing each progress point in one of three colors: green, yellow or red.
It is the easiest way to understand project health at a glance and is very useful in planning and mitigating the risks of delays.
4. Which project should we discuss today?

The Multi-project fever chart reflects the latest status of all projects in the environment.
As it shows the health of all projects, and which projects are in danger, it can ensure all managers are on the same page and help to create a culture of collaboration in your organization.
See more information about Portfolio Dashboard & Analytics >
5. Which tasks do we need to focus on right now?

The Task Management Center lists executing tasks and incoming tasks, both sorted according to their priorities.
As it is easy to know which tasks you need to pay attention to from the lists, you can always focus your attention on the most important and urgent things.
6. Are there any signs of resource overloading?

It is extremely helpful in finding signs of resource overloads both now and in the future.
7. What should we improve next? (POOGI, Kaizen process)

A Relevant Reason Analysis provides a Pareto analysis of delay reasons, and identifies the most common causes of major delays.
If your Process of Ongoing Improvement (POOGI) is done periodically in accordance with the analysis, the expected results are over 20% shorter lead time for your projects, over 95% due date performance and the revealing of hidden capacity in your organization.
The Benefits of BeingManagement
Many companies have earned the benefits of CCPM with BeingManagement. Would you like to get the same benefits for your business? We believe BeingManagement is the essential platform for implementing CCPM in all complicated and complex project environments.
Industry-leading Companies Trust BeingManagement
All of the organizations highlighted in the case studies below recognized the impact that moving from single-project software technology to a project portfolio solution would have on the speed and due date reliability of their project-based businesses. Click below to explore selected case studies of BeingManagement implementations.
Important Things You Need to Know before Implementing CCPM
Many CCPM implementations have been successful, BUT some have flourished for a while and then have faded. What are the keys of continued success with CCPM?
Focusing is power! Achieve incredible speed and management insight.
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